SBPCA provides support via our Mini Grants Program to assist Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) serving around the world with projects needing funding in their communities of service. Emphasis is placed on projects that address a true community need, show community support and involvement, will have many beneficiaries, and will have a continuing benefit to the community after the project has been completed.
Over the years, we have funded many projects, totaling more than $17,000 in grants given.
Applications are accepted year-round and evaluated on an as-received basis. Our ability to fund projects is contingent on funds we have been able to raise for this Mini Grants Program.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to our Mini Grants Fund, or to inquire about doing so, please email us at
SBPCA provides Mini Grants funding to PCVs’ community projects through the Peace Corps Partnership Program, where the PCVs have either:
(a) lived in or have an established connection to Santa Barbara County, Ventura County, or San Luis Obispo County, or
(b) have been recommended by an active member of SBPCA
Applications are reviewed as received. Applicants need to be aware that the evaluation process includes communication between the SBPCA Board and applicants, and we are likely to have follow-up questions after reviewing applications. Applicants should be sure to include a current email address with their contact information. The review process is likely to take a few weeks, the timing depending on how often an applicant is able to check email and how responsive s/he is to communications from us.
past GRANTS given
Over the years, we have funded many projects, totaling more than $17,000 in grants given. Projects funded include the following, with some photo highlights from grant recipients below this list:
Sustainable agriculture systems, Panama - $750
“A Towering Task” – production of a film on the history of the Peace Corps - $250
Goris Women’s Yoga & Wellness Center, Armenia - $762
Women’s health fair, Georgia - $336
Pit latrine project, Panama - $700
Outdoor multi-use pavilion, El Salvador - $225
Interactive classroom to provide teachers with internet access, etc., Ukraine - $750
Materials for construction of school computer lab, Guatemala - $632
HIV/AIDS awareness program for youth in high risk areas, Mali - $500
Local library repair & health-focused murals at primary school & youth organization building, Guinea - $160
Construction of a community center, Dominican Republic - $750
Stove building project, Guatemala - $500
Bead making project, Ghana - $500
Compost latrine construction, Fiji - $838
High school library project, Philippines - $750
Latrine project, Dominican Republic - $600
English/Bulgarian dictionaries & bilingual guides for classroom, Bulgaria - $583
Stove building project, Nicaragua - $565
Rejuvenating eco-tourism, Ghana - $1000
Vocational training for disabled youth/young adults, Romania - $500
Demonstration poultry small business, The Gambia - $850
Rainwater catchment systems, Bolivia - $450
Future environmental leaders camp, Ukraine - $500
Youth leadership development conference, Dominican Republic - $500
AIDS education conference, Cameroon - $500
Road project, El Salvador - $150
Library project, Kyrgyz Republic -$200
AIDS education event - $150
Community tree nursery, Zimbabwe - $367
English library and tutoring center - $475
Irrigation of community gardens, Mali - $300
Latrine construction - $754
Health education project, Ecuador - $150
…and more!