For the term of March 2025 - February 2026

On February 22, 2025, we will hold our Annual Meeting at which our membership will vote in board members to serve during the coming year.

Per our bylaws:

  • Current members annually elect board members to serve a one-year term, and elect the President.

  • The other officers are appointed by the newly-elected board at its March meeting. While it is the board that appoints them, they must be elected by our membership to serve on the board. For transparency, noted below are the candidates who we anticipate appointing to fill these positions if they are elected to serve on the board.

This year’s board candidates presented by our Nominating Committee are:

  • For President: Naomi Kovacs, who currently serves as an at-large board member and has a long history of involvement with SBPCA and our board, including being a past President.

  • For Vice President: Benji Owen, who is new to SBPCA and very enthusiastic to get more involved and serve on our board.

  • For Treasurer: Chrissie Larkin, who has been a member of SBPCA and has offered to step up her involvement by joining the board and serving in this role.

  • For Secretary: Kiersten Anderson, who is our current Secretary and happily willing to continue serving in this role.

  • For At-Large Seat: Charles (Chas) Feinstein, who has served as our board President for the past 3 years and is terming out in that role.

  • For At-Large Seat: Julie Reed, who currently serves on our board as an at-large member.

  • For At-Large Seat: Jeff Reiss, who currently serves on our board as Vice President.

Questions about this slate? Email us at:

Questions about our election process? Click here to read our bylaws